Mizuno Running Clinic Graduates 2/e

It was my second attempt to join the Mizuno running clinic. My reason? I didn’t complete the first one. I couldn’t go out of the house because of Typhoon Emong (international codename Chan-hom) which brought lots of rains one Thursday night. I decided to might as well make up for it the second time around.Continue reading “Mizuno Running Clinic Graduates 2/e”

Mizuno Running Clinic Graduates

Our last day or last Running Clinic session was spent inside Mizuno store for it rained that night. Graduation night, sans the marching and receiving of diplomas, was a huge success with just the photo ops with fellow runners and Coach Ige Lopez (in red shirt). To top it off, Leo Oracion (in white MizunoContinue reading “Mizuno Running Clinic Graduates”

Accidental Reunion

While walking on my way to Nike store after attending the second session of the Mizuno running clinic on Thursday at the Fort, I saw a group of young people slowly walking. One them looked at my direction, recognized me and shouted my name. Goodness! They were my former high school students. I was soContinue reading “Accidental Reunion”