Starting over and relaunching the blog

It took me this long, way too long, if I’m honest. The truth of the matter is, it’s an experience that I don’t want any fellow blogger to go through. The blog you’re seeing right now is more like almost 5 months  in the making, as I had to tap the expertise of fellow running bloggers Running Atom and Running Pinoy to guide me in appreciating the language of information technology, the nitty-gritty of web hosting, and anything that comes about it.

As I made up my mind to relaunch this blog, things were in a roll—from migrating old posts from BlogSpot to WordPress (566 of them), deleting those which are no longer relevant, installing a new WordPress theme, upgrading to a better DNS server, renewing my dotPH domain subscription to editing old posts (still a work in progress by the way)—and voilà, welcome to a newer version of the blog.

Yes, I lost the contents and posts indexed years ago (covering portion of 2014 to 2020) from my old blog and previous hosting account for reasons beyond my control, but thankfully, the domain is still active and ownership is still with me. There were attempts to get back-up copies, yet these too, turned out to be futile. Sometimes letting go is the only way to move forward.

I initially finished tweaking things a little bit and am planning to do minor pivoting of this blog to make way for change and write compelling content. Given new format, I’d love to know what you think, or if you have any requests fire away!

It feels good to be back already!

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