What I Talk About When I Talk About Running: a Memoir: a Must-read

Remember that time when I personally recommended the book entitled, “Born to Run,” for you to read? Well, here’s another good read. This book was given to me as a birthday gift last year. But it took me eight months before I finally opened its pages. When I saw its title, especially, with the word, memoir, it seemed to me another boring book. I was wrong. The adage, “Don’t judge the book by its cover,” really holds true.

Weeks before the Condura marathon, I took out the book from the magazine box, peeled off its plastic cover and started to read the foreword. I couldn’t stop turning the next pages.

Haruki Murakami, the author, shared his personal experiences, real feelings, thoughts, and philosophies both as a runner and as a novelist. I could relate to some of his experiences, his reasons for running, and why he is silent when running. Interesting to note are his struggles as a newbie runner, as a marathoner, as a triathlete, and as an ultra marathoner. Here’s a special preview of his thoughts.

On Running

“Running is sort of a vague theme to begin with, and I found it hard to figure out exactly what I should say about it.”
“I’ve never recommended running to others.”

On Long-Distance (Marathon) Running

“Some people are suited more for marathon …”
“If some people have an interest in long-distance running, just leave them be, and they’ll start running on their own…”
“Marathon running is not a sport for everyone…”

On Being Competitive

“… When it comes to a game against someone, the competitive aspect makes me uncomfortable.”
“… I never cared all that much whether I beat others or lost to them.”
“World-class runners, of course, want to outdo their closest rivals, but for your average, everyday runner, individual rivalry isn’t a major issue.”

Interesting, eh? Find out more on what he said about runner’s blues, the difficulties he experienced the first time he rode a bike as part of his training for a triathlon, how he learned to swim, and many more.

Try to get a copy since this is not that expensive. It’s now available in local bookstores.

12 thoughts on “What I Talk About When I Talk About Running: a Memoir: a Must-read

  1. hey roselle, that's a pretty nice read… i used to think that he was just this nerdy philisophical novelist (like your stereotypical japanese artists), so i was really amused to know how dedicated he was to running. πŸ™‚


  2. Dino, congrats on your Singapore stint! Yeah, I thought so, too, about the author. One thing I like about Mr. Murakami is his style of writing, the way he connects writing to running. It's like blogging vs. running, if you know what I mean? πŸ˜‰


  3. That's a nice read, Divine. Couldn't stop turning the pages too once you get to start. The guy likes Mizuno shoes. Obvious ba?


  4. Hey Roselle, I was just looking at that book online kanina .. hehe. I suggest you also read Marathon woman. I am still about to startreading it πŸ˜€


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